
We do not have any commission fees (real estate agents charge btw. 3% - 7 % of contract value), it allows us to use all available techniques to cut down the price of the real estate. How much you pay, depends on you, on your actual need of services.

For initial advice/general consultation with lawyer there is no fee. Meeting can be arranged through skype (preferably), or by phone, or in person during your visit in Slovakia.

If you decide to invest with us, depending on the type of services that you will need, we will prepare the estimate of the fees and the the cost of the project.

We operate on hourly basis, legal part of the job is charged in average approx. 70 Euro/hour of legal work (depending on the sum of total investment it may be more or less), other activities necessary for successful completion of the project are charged half of the fee for legal work, travelling charges are charged by general tarif for evaluating employee`s travel costs valid in Slovakia. For time spent by travelling we do not charge (only if the lawyer is travelling).

Some examples of realised projects:

I. Business investment, obtaining the ownership of 1/3 (1st phase of realisation) of land of area 60 000 m2 for construction of factory in Central Slovakia.
buying individual parcels of land for foreign investor (realised in cooperation with the local town)
preparation of 60 sale contracts, legal advice (18 hours)  8 000,- Euro
1 extra employee for 3 months                                  2 000,- Euro
other costs                                                            1 000,- Euro
Total sum                                                            11 000,- Euro

The sum that was saved cannot be estimated, because investor could not build factory at the different location.  However, on the legal fees alone the sum approximately 8 000,- Euro was saved (150 Euro/hour and more for legal advice of English speaking lawyers from Bratislava). It important to mention, that it would be extremely difficult to complete the project without local connections and local know - how (for which local lawyers are outsourced by firms from Bratislava anyway).

II. Individual couple purchasing the 5 years old family house in great location in the city in Central Slovakia for 120 000,- Euro.

Legal consultation concerning the purchase of selected property 3 hours, preparation of draft of purchase agreement, negotiation.

Total sum                                                             2 000,- Euro
(agreed in advance), plus 50 % of reduction in price of the property)
Total sum saved by REC                                          8 000,- Euro

(1 000,- Euro on real estate agent´s account (services not being done well), 2 000,- Euro on lawer`s fees (in comparison to lawyer from Bratislava), 5 000,- Euro negotiated as reduction (total sum 10 000,- was agreed as reduction)        
* if this cuple has not used our services (nor any legal services in Slovakia), the property would cost them 131 000,- Euro

The most valuabe contribution that clients gained in abovementioned examples by using REC was ownership of real estate in Slovakia free of any legal risks.

Notice: The fees,costs and other details used in this evaluation shall serve only as examples (despite the fact that they are based on realised projects). This information does not serve as binding agreement on price of REC services. Costs of actual services of third parties used in abovementioned examples may vary, and also may vary the quality of their services.

Traditional wooden cottage
(with 700 m2 of land, needs complete renovation)

        Price: Euro 7.500,-
Ideal place for picking mushrooms in the summer.
2004 - 2007 info@advokatdk.sk All rights reserved.

Typical slovak wooden cottage
Slovakia is great place for skiing
Typical Slovak village - view from Nizke Tatry mountains
Vlkolinec - Unesco
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