Pro bono legal help

For those who are in need and do not have sufficient financial funds we offer free consultation.

Previous appointment is necessary, please call 043/58 67 530 working days 8:00 - 15:30 hod.

Free legal consultation shall be provided under following rules:

- maximum duration 30 min.

- includes legal opinion on documents, answer of legal questions, clarification of legal positions, suggestion of solutions, help with basic correspondence

- consultation shall be given free of charge primarily for those in need

Each client of free legal help shall agree to provide our legal office with his personal information for administrative purposes.

In case that you need complex legal help and fulfill requirements stated by law, we shall redirect you to official state services which are rendered by: 

vizitkaCenter of legal help - office Tvrdosin

/ Centrum právnej pomoci - Kancelária Tvrdošín


Centrum právnej pomoci
Kancelária Tvrdošín
Školská 165/2
027 44 Tvrdošín

Tel: 043 / 53 21 896
Fax: 043 / 53 21 896

In Dolny Kubin, 09.08.2016podpis